Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Teen Paint Color's

The DiGuistini family has developed a brilliant new paint line. We expect it to be hitting the designer stores really soon. And by really soon, I mean sometime after Vancouver is officially Canada's most western dessert. Without further ado:

Skin tag pink
Black eye purple
Zit white
Blackhead brown
Passout pale
Lungbutter Ochre
Pinkeye pink
Toe jam Taupe
Blood vessel blue
Fingernail fungus green
Unbrushed enamel yellow
Furry tounge cream
Bile brown
Scab brown
Knuckle skin white
Fail blush
Booger lime
Scalp snow white
Pink blurr
earwax orange
pizza knees ( faux finish) also makes a good stencil.
Belly button bonus white
stretch mark mauve
eye sleep yellow
crusty cream white

I think "painting your own room" will be fun this time around. Don't you?